Building Your Core-drobe

It’s been a few busy weeks because of midterm exams and papers, but I’m back!




This past summer I felt overwhelmed at the amount of crap (for lack of a better word) I had to shove into my car to bring home from college. We’re talking too-small pants, a sheep Halloween costume, multiple empty Fordham drawstring bags, and everything in between. Just the amount of clothing was ridiculous. I decided to do a purge of my closet and focus on saving only the things that I loved and could be versatile for a core wardrobe, a core-drobe, if you will. Continue reading

First Feelings of Fall

There’s nothing better than waking up to the most beautiful weather imaginable after days and days of suffocating humidity. NYC was graced with a sunny 75 that was cozy in the sun and almost chilly enough for a light jacket in the shade. What more could you ask for, really? I took the temperature in stride and wore both long sleeves and long(ish) pants. Fun fact: I found this shirt at a thrift store for $3!


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