Favorites at J.Crew Factory!

It’s no secret that I love J.Crew Factory. Their clothing fits me like a glove, is stylish and classic, and doesn’t cause my wallet too much pain. They’ve recently released their spring things and they are as cute as they come! I was in the store today and everything was 50% off to boot!

PLUS use the code INBLOOM to get an extra 20% off your order of $100 or more!

I tried on quite a few things and while some didn’t quite fit me the best, I did end up leaving with three new pieces for the (hopefully upcoming) warmer days! Here I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite pieces for the spring season.

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1     |     2    |     3

4     |     5     |     6

7    |     8     |     9

10     |     11

Can’t wait for it to really be spring so we can wear all these cute things!


Friday Night at the Met

One of the best parts about living in New York City is being able to be in Manhattan in the blink of an eye. While I certainly don’t see myself living in the city after graduation, I do love all of the cultural opportunities it offers for those nights when you just don’t know what to do! This past Friday, my friends and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see a few exhibits and spend an evening off campus. Because the Met is so big, we only got to a couple of the galleries before it was closing time! It’s impossible to do the whole place in a day so I’m glad we have access to it for whenever we want.


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Weekend Reflections

Happy Sunday dearies!

My posts on here have been very sporadic and I apologize about that, but being a college student takes up 110% of my time! I promise to keep updating, but it won’t be nearly as often as I’d like so make sure you keep an eye out.

That being said, I hope everyone is adjusting to the new year and to the new semester if you’re in the same boat I am. These past couple of days have been a mixture of exhausting (Inauguration Day, ugh) and empowering (The international Women’s Marches, woohoo ladies!). I’m so blessed to live in an area of the country where most points of view on anything and everything are respected and protected fiercely because I know that this is not always the case elsewhere. I have friends here at school that attended the Inauguration,and the Women’s Marches, and the Pro-Life Marches, and everything in between, and it’s a true privilege to be able to listen to all of their opinions and better understand the thoughts that build their different characters. The most incredible part of this weekend was watching everyday citizens, albeit MILLIONS of them, go out and fight for what they believe in. The bread and butter of our American government system is exactly that. This weekend millions of citizens exercised their right to protest the very government that grants them that right and it was an empowering sight to see. Our country may be going through some very big changes, but the heart of our democracy never left and continues to thrive every single day. This weekend couldn’t have been a better representation of that.



Bad Haircuts and Long Breaks

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! Today I’m talking about winter break home from college and that haircut that you thought you’d love, but had second thoughts about after the chop. Yikes.

I’m home from school right now and will be for a little while longer and I know I’m not the first person to say it, but winter break can seem very long. I met just about all my good friends at Fordham so they fly off to their homes during breaks and it’s nearly impossible to see them, even those that live closer to me. That being said, breaks often seem pretty lonely to me as everyone I’d like to be spending my time with is in Texas or California or Wisconsin. It can be tough to watch (what seems like) everyone else visit people from home and have something to do every single day, but then it’s also nice to realize that you’re on a BREAK! *insert gif of Ross from friends saying this here* Yes, my friends, winter break for college students is, in fact, a real break without homework or impending midterms and it’s important to remember that if you’re ever feeling like you’re missing out on things. Take the month to chill, watch movies, and catch up on sleep before the spring semester picks up and you’ll be thrown back into reality.

During said break, I also decided to get my hair cut, a task I usually love. However, yesterday I realized that it is indeed possible to dislike a haircut. My whole life I’ve been fine with every single haircut I got. I cut it often and usually cut very much off every time. I’m not attached to my hair as so many people are, which I think is good for me as a person. Today though, I’m not too happy with how my hair looks and will definitely have to do something about it sooner or later. My mom told me to just make the best of it and I think she’s right, no matter how much I say I hate it. Thanks, Mom. Bloom where you’re planted, life keeps moving. And hair keeps growing. So to all you ladies (or gentlemen) who have gotten a haircut that was less fantastic than you were expecting, don’t let it be the end of the world, just work with it until it grows out and then start again.

Until next time!

First Feelings of Fall

There’s nothing better than waking up to the most beautiful weather imaginable after days and days of suffocating humidity. NYC was graced with a sunny 75 that was cozy in the sun and almost chilly enough for a light jacket in the shade. What more could you ask for, really? I took the temperature in stride and wore both long sleeves and long(ish) pants. Fun fact: I found this shirt at a thrift store for $3!


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